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You are unique. You are the only one who knows you for real, from within. My aim is to help you discover who you truly are, as part of the bigger whole. You can then decide and make steps towards fulfilling your true life purpose and meaning. Let’s get to know each other and together we’ll develop the best fitting plan for your overall life transformation - becoming more of your true self.​

In an One-on-One session we aim to find the common denominator between your hopes, dreams and aspirations. For this, I use as support your astrological chart. And no, this is not another New Age thingy...

Astrology has been used for centuries as a tool to understand better a person's qualities, tendencies, as well as their tests, or setbacks, in accordance with the movement and influence of planets and stars in the sky.

Think of this relationship as something similar to the relationship between your thoughts and emotions vs your physical body. You think of something, you immediately feel an emotion related to that thought, and then you do something about it: you feel hungry, your thoughts are all about food, if you don't eat, you will get irritated to the point of anger, and if you still don't eat, you will lash out at someone... preferably, not one of your colleagues at work... not to mention you boss!

Similarly, stars' and planets' influence reaches us on Earth as as a specific way of thinking, they give each of us a unique view upon life and the world, determined by the place and time we are born. Consequently, we feel and act in a specific way. We make choices accordingly, our entire life unfolds accordingly. And it is all part of a bigger plan, coordinated by the same Intelligence that makes sure the Sun does its thing, perfectly measured, never burning too much nor giving too little heat, for millions or years, without colliding accidently or out of anger into any planet or star. 

 Learning about these influences help those of us who are interested in this kind of approach to integrate ourselves harmoniously in the bigger picture. The better we learn to do this, the more loved, safe and supported we find out to be. We can then truly live our lives at peace and fully in the present moment, mesmerized by the magnificence of this Creation. 

 At birth, each of us comes with certain qualities and setbacks, as well as with an already chosen life purpose.
Once we put light upon these, we can create a step-by-step approach so that we can heal any possible soul wounds, enhancing our qualities and aligning our life to fulfilling destiny. We do this on a background of joy, hope and enthusiasm.

You have all you need to become the true you and to turn your life into an amazing adventure.

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